At heart, health is the central focus of CAN’s core mission.
CAN builds and operates health posts in remote rural locations and aims to set up and operate the health post until it is well established within the community.
CAN will run the health posts until either road access become available or the Government takes them over. There are good precedents for this with CAN handing over 14 health posts in the last ten years to local government.
This process can take anywhere between five to fifteen years.

CAN is currently operating ten health posts across the Tsum_Nubri Municipality in North Gorka. We are focusing our health care service into the remote valleys of Kutang, Nubri and Tsum.
For 25 years CAN ran health provision across eastern, central and north-western Nepal, but in 2019 the Government of Nepal asked CAN to concentrate our efforts in North Gorkha to improve the health of the local population living in one of the most isolated regions in the world.
In the next five years we will run comprehensive curative and preventative health service in Tsum-Nubri and will respond to requests from local communities to construct a further four health facilities to expand the availability of universal health care.